2023: I Hereby Resolve

WordPress has tasked me with writing today about what I would like to accomplish this year. In past years, I’d have been hard pressed to come up with an answer. In fact, I spent much of life opposed to the very concept of New Year’s resolutions, having observed that for many people resolutions ended up…

Crazy Cool Christmas

I erred grievously in a post yesterday. And it’s because of a dreadful sin of omission I’ve committed over and over this Advent season. How I could have waited until December 24 to play Kermit Ruffins’ amazing “Have a Crazy Cool Christmas”?? Kermit’s just a seriously cool cat and I seriously miss seeing him live…

Lo Siento

While trying to piece together my itineraries from travels long ago, I found the following note I'd made for myself while in Antigua, Guatemala on June 24, 2018: Just passed a bar here in which some guy was playing bluegrass banjo. JFC, as if I don’t already have enough to apologize for as a gringo…

2022 – 1984

The following post takes a sudden turn. A weird and unpredictable one. I wonder if anyone will notice. On my infrequent visits back to the Washington, DC area in recent years, I've repeatedly tried and failed to find tickets to the newest Smithsonian museum, the National Museum of African American History and Culture. It's been…

Bad Relationships

It's occurred to me this year that I'm one of those people who finds themselves in one abusive relationship after another. In my case, the relationships have been employer/employee, organization/individual. A counseling service in Melbourne, AUS (I still travel widely on the Web, thank you very much) lists a number of reasons why people may…